Final Major Project Evaluation

Task 7

Using a range of web 2.0 technologies, evaluate your success in responding to your Final Major Project brief.

You must first gather audience feedback through online exhibition and the collation of questionnaire and focus group audience feedback. This feedback must be compiled and analysed prior to producing your evaluation.

Your evaluation must contain detailed information that is specific to the following areas of your Final Major Project:

1.     Technical quality of final product (images, footage, use of sound, editing, layout, composition)
2.     Production skills you have newly acquired and existing skills you have further developed
3.     How closely your final product matches your original intentions (outlined in your Final Major Project proposal)
4.     Time management and problem solving (scheduling, practical constraints and strategies you used to overcome constraints)
5.     Reaching your target audience (audience response, your reactions to positive and negative criticism with reference to audience feedback you have gathered)
Summary conclusion of how you would respond to your project brief if you were to do it again

Technical quality of final product

The whole advert is shot at 25fps and with a resolution of 720x1080. The advert isn't to visually technical as i didn't add things like adding color changing effects over the video to avoid the video looking cheap and un professional. The only sounds to be heard in the advert is the music i chose to go with the advert.   

Production skills you have newly acquired and existing skills you have further developed

although i have gained no new skills as i had already created many projects like this before. i further developed my skills on Sony Vegas Pro which is the software i used  to create my advert. i didn't use many advanced tools in the production of my advert as it was mainly just cutting down hours of footage and trying to get it to fit in with seconds of audio.

 How closely your final product matches your original intentions

due to certain circumstances the final project does not fully follow all of my original intentions and ideas i produced through my pre production, the scenes i could no longer do where the ones in the swimming pool as it was impossible to get permission to film in a swimming pool and the basketball and running track scene were not used due to running out of time. i compensated for this by creating a new series of shots based on close ups of Nike shoes and a bike to show the company logo. 

In the original idea i planned on filming the whole advert on a GoPro camera but the original close up shots i took on the of the shoe and the bike were not as good i expected them to be so i used a Cannon 5D to take advantage of the ability to adjust the focus while filming.

Time management and problem solving

i think overall i displayed good use of time management but it still could of been improved because if i had given myself more time i would of been able to find a course and arrange a better time suitable for everyone that would have been involved for the track scene. There were some problems that i couldn't solve though, i couldn't find a swimming pool i would of been allowed to film in due to legal reasons so to solve this i just added more scenes on the bikes to fill in the time gap, Had i have been more prepared for this and done more research this wouldn't have happened.

  Reaching your target audience

To get the advert to the target audience i have posted the video YouTube. Posting the video to YouTube helps me maximize the amount of people that will see my video and allows the audience to leave comments and allows me to see how the audience respond with the use off the Like and Dislike feature on YouTube.

Final Major Project Production

Task 6

Produce the media production as per the brief.

Final Major Project Pre Production

Task 5

Use pre-production techniques to draw up plans for your chosen production.
You must include the following (specific to your production idea):
·         Risk assessment
·         Storyboards
·         Shooting schedules
·         Script
·         Production Diary
·         Location recognisance 

·         Production schedules

·         Contingency Plans

·          Shot Logs

·          Layout plans
Test shots / sequences

Click here to take survey

Final Major Project Research

Task 4

Produce detailed research specific to your chosen Final Major Project idea. This research must include:
·         Technical code analysis of relevant media products that have influenced your own Final Major Project idea
Analysis of any websites, books and journals that you have researched to help you form your Final Major Project idea

Pitching My Final Major Project Idea

Task 3

Prepare a pitch

·         Finalise ideas for your media product
·         Prepare a project proposal in response to the brief
·         Prepare a presentation including visual aids, delegate notes and presenter’s notes
·         Give the presentation in the form of a pitch to the client

My Final Major Project Ideas Generation

Task 2

Use a range of idea generation techniques, including mind maps, spider diagrams and any other appropriate methods, to come up with some initial ideas for a specific media production.

the image above is a basketball and the image below is of a sports shoe, these two images are made of words that are important in the sport, giving me ideas to what i can incorparate into my advert.

Define And Summarise Creative Design Brief

Task 1

Define and summarise the following range of creative production briefs:

·         Contractual
·         Commission
·         Negotiated
·         Tender
·         Formal
·         Co-operative
·         Informal
·         Competition

In addition, you must also provide a summary of professional self-development opportunities working to each of the briefs would provide for you in the following categories:

1.     Communication
2.     Time management
3.     Technical skills
4.     Career progression

In addition, you must gather examples of creative production client briefs and annotate said examples, providing information in your own words under the following categories:

1.     Who is the client?
2.     What media product(s) does the client require?
3.     What is the timescale to deliver the product(s) to the client?
4.     Who is the intended target audience the client wishes the product(s) to appeal to?
5.     What are the legal and ethical issues relating to the production?
       6.   What constraints do you have to work within (budget, length of product, format)?

Different types of production Briefs

Client Production Brief